Article written by H. Fairhurst aka HelsBels 

Just wanted to say what a fabulous time was had by all on the clubs latest beginners trip - an annual all inclusive sea paddle run by our fearless leader Roy and his second in command Mr Eccles junior (that would be the young good looking one aka Neil) to Tayvallich.

Was well attended, from beginners to seasoned sea dogs. And what about the fabulous venue? Well having never been to the Tayvallich  area before I was surprised how perfect it was. Throughout the long weekend, there was something for everybody despite what the weather threw at us and in this instance, it was quite kind if a tad chilly!


Whether you wanted a gentle fishing, crabbing type bimble with a mini tide race thrown in to test your skills or you wanted a more epic trip out to the islands with grown up tide races - it was all there including Ospreys, Otters, Seals and tho none were sighted, even Beavers!!!



There was as always the classic Ribble BBQ where the main criteria was to wear lots of jumpers and enjoy an abundance of fine foods washed down with a beer or glass or 3 of wine. The local hostelry hosted a stunning seafood meal on the Sunday night and in general it was a particularly companionable trip despite everybody being free to go off and do their own thing all meeting up of an evening to share tall tales and even taller glasses.


Thanks as always to Roy for spearheading the trip and to his right-hand man Neil - for their patience with the beginners - paddlers, fishers and crabbers - well done Kat, could not believe the crab fishing worked till I saw the evidence with my own eyes.


These trips for me are what makes the club what it should be, a family of liked minded people, watching out for each other and enjoying all levels of paddling together.
